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Dear visitor. We are still in the process of setting up our new website. Our old website provider closed its door. To set up all content will take some time.  We offer since almost 20 years Face to Face sessions in Mount Eliza, Distance Healing or Zoom Sessions worldwide and we offer BioMagnetic Healing with Hands distance Trainings and also one day face to face workshops. Should you have any question not covered yet on our website, please contact us directly via email or text message. 0416786096 We love to hear from you! 

Fees: 90 minute session $140

45 minute session $70

30 minute session $50

5 Sessions Repeat client package $375 (5 times 1 hour sessions)

Accredited BioMagnetic Healing with Hands Distance Learning with Face to Face or Zoom Practical training $660

Pay cash or online (currently while setting up the website we are sending you an invoice





Welcome to Light Spaces
​Virtuosity  Light Spaces offers Energy Therapies & Counselling & BioMagnetic Healing Sessions and Training.
A Highly Qualified Provider & Certified Trainer of
​Energy Therapies & Alternative Medicine Since 2004

Our practice is located on the beautiful Mornington Peninsula in Australia/Victoria and offers Training-Distance Healings- and Face to Face Sessions world wide and locally



(Medically proven results): ​I had a visit with my wonderful GP/homeopath yesterday. 
The appointment lasted the best part of an hour, as usual,  and we discussed many things. She also gave me a physical examination and the wonderful news is that she told us that I have made enormous improvements since the last visit, which was just 3 months ago! My lungs are perfectly fine now, my energy levels, digestion, blood pressure much improved, in fact everything is looking great.. I was so thrilled to hear all that, and wanted to share it with you. 
I am profoundly grateful for your help and am totally conscious that your treatments, your insights and the amazing BMH have been responsible for my recent transformation. It was wonderful to hear what the doctor said and I wanted to share it with you immediately! 
Lots of love as always. Michelle C. (Received weekly one hour sessions and guidelines for daily Healing Magnetism self-help exercises over a period of 4 months)

I have thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of this BMH course. The course content resonated with me like nothing else has ever resonated! This is no exaggeration.

I very much appreciate the structure of the learning throughout the 9 Units of the course. Each question takes place directly after the relevant content has been absorbed, as opposed to a long series of questions placed at the end of each Unit. This is a wonderful pedagogic technique, which facilitates learning and retention, and also eliminates any possible feelings of overwhelm that one might have been faced with, if presented with a long series of questions at the very end of the Unit. 

I also very much appreciated the incredibly detailed and useful feedback in the corrections. The corrections, comments and feedback were returned very promptly, and were always totally relevant. In fact I have felt wonderfully supported and mentored throughout this entire process.
I admire very much the balance of history, science, theory, spirituality and practicality that this course offers. There seemed to me to be an effortless flow as I traversed these apparently disparate and yet totally unified learnings, with no sense of struggle or strain. Even the elements that I have never felt comfortable with previously, namely physics and quantum physics, I seemed to absorb with relative ease.
I felt very comfortable being able to express myself totally in the Unit questions. I was able to communicate in a free and completely uncensored way. This is in direct contradiction with many previous forms of study, where I have felt judged and reduced into a certain rigidity of structure and form, unable to fully develop my ideas or express myself fluently. A normally rather reluctant student, I found myself approaching each day of my BMH studies with a genuine sense of love, enthusiasm and achievement.

Thank you Edel for this amazing, instructive and enlightening course in Healing Magnetism! It has transformed my life, and I cannot recommend it more highly! 


Hi Edeltraud,
Your treatment has so much meaning and support for me. Many thanks and blessing to you, Edel, but  I cannot even express my gratitude to you. It enlivens me to know that you care and this means so much to me.
Your email message with the notes has helped me enormously to understand some of what has been happening in my life.
From this end:  During the treatment I fell asleep suddenly after a very short while and did not wake up until it was over. It was difficult to remember my dream but the pain in my back was gone.   Feeling more energized, I was very pleased about the treatment and felt a sense of joy at being cared for.  I hope we can do the treatment again when you are able.  It has been the most positive experience I have had for so long. 
Many thankyou's  with love and blessings,
Katie (Canada)


​My gosh you are thorough!  When a person books with you, they certainly get their money's worth!  Noelle Minnesota USA


Dear Edel,
Oh my!  Everything you wrote is correct. 
I'm fine now, but I was in a state of crazy!  ................... Thank you so much for this healing, I feel so supported !!
I would like another healing next week, if possible to keep me balanced.
Thank you again,
Warmest regards
Emily S. (California, Manhattan Beach)


Dear Edel,...
Thank you so much for healing Fiona.!! 😃😃😃
What a difference in her personality. Fiona is calmer, and happier.
I can't thank you enough, Fiona is back to her lovely personality.
Warm regards,
Sandy (Parent of 5 year old child)


Dear Edel,
Thank you for healing Anders!
Anders cold has improved, and he slept well during the night and day.
Anders is calmer and back to himself. This cold has lasted 3 weeks in Our family!

Kind regards


Hi Edel,
Thankyou for the wonderful and very powerful treatment and the follow up notes which have provided direction and prompted the deepest thought regarding my life and experiences. Over the past few days an enormous shift has taken place in my life. Thank you so much.
Love always,
Angela K. 


Liebe Edeltraud,
Ich hoffe es geht Ihnen gut. Mir geht es recht gut. Ich fuehle mich leichter und freudiger in meiner Arbeit. Ich merke richtig wir die heilungen helfen.

Herzliche Gruesse
Angelika  (Germany)
Translated: Dear Edeltraud, I hope you are well. I feel rather good. I feel lighter and more joyful at my work. I really can recognise how the healings help me. 
Heartfelt greetings
​Angelika  (Weekly distance healing sessions to Germany)


Human magnetism is the projection of vital force from a being in a state of surplus to one in depletion. Magnetic treatment also disperses tainted bodily forces in the human aura while supplying fresh vitality to the sick and injured.

Areas of application for Healing Magnetism as such influences every illness and dis-ease positively.
Summarised can be but said, that the following complaints and discomforts can be relieved.

  • - Psychological challenges

  • - Challenges of the soul

  • - Coping with stress symptoms

  • - Anxiety and Fear

  • - Supportive in depression

  • - Supportive in cases of shizophrenia

  • - Supportive modality during times of physical illness

  • - Trauma & Stress

  • ​- A weakened immune system

  • - Disturbances of the vegetative sensory system

  • - General condition of weariness

  • - Burn-out  disorder

  • - Concentration issue, absence of drive

  • - Symptoms without clear reason

  • - Digestion issues, joint agonies

  • - Headaches

  • - Difficulties in youngsters- Developmental scatters

  • - Autism

  • - Eating issue

  • - Developmental Disabilities

  • ​- Overburdening disorders- ceaseless exhaustion

  • - Harmonisation of vitality field after Immunization

  • - Preventative well-being and vitality care​

​It is demonstrated that solid magnetic sun storms contort the magnetic field of the earth and this twisting additionally demonstrates its connection to the magnetic field of a human. In the midst of solid sun storms the well-being is endangered and  heart attacks or strokes do  rise and furthermore dangers of suicide. A recuperating Healing Magnetism treatment has an adjusting and balancing impact on the magnetic field of a person.

Human radiation.

​The core of a human being is surrounded by several coverings. His final covering is the physical body. We can picture the various coverings as skins placed one inside another, as in an onion.
​In earthman the radiations of the finer coverings, together with the radiations of the physical body, form a combination which results in a colourful wreath of radiations, called by some aura and by others od, the "fluid" that surrounds man. With this radiation wreath he determines the strength of the waves for the vibrations which he absorbs out of the cosmic radiation-system.
​The combination of radiations must always be harmonious, so that the inward spirit in man can develop fully in the World of Matter.
​Healing Magnetism restores the harmonious and orderly connection between the different coverings of a human being. Blockages are removed and energy added where needed.
​The concept of the human aura, or radiation, is thousands of years old, and clairvoyants of all times have been able to see it.
​It is also expressed in the language, when for instance someone says: "His whole being radiates peace and serenity."
​The human radiation is communicated to objects which man carries about with him, and to his writings, as well as to photographs, something which is in fact well-known and made use in various fields.
​For instance we use photographs during distance healing sessions and also to choose the resonating Bach Flower Remedies for our clients.
​In illness the radiation changes. Mediumistic people are able to recognise in the radiation-wreath that hidden seat of disease which has given rise to the physically visible disease in the first place, something we test and focus on in individual sessions too without conducting any physical diagnosis.


Through the influence of shock and traumatic experiences or long-term stress the finer auric field of a human being can be distorted and the orderly flow of energy and the communication between cells gets blocked. This has many harmful effects, as Health equals Order and Illness equals Dis-order.

"Magnetic energy is the elementary energy from which is dependent the entire life of the organism" -Werner Heisenberg, famous physicist (1901-1976)

I  help children and adults in sessions and internationally approved training to bring Order back into their finer energy, magnetic fields  and I train others to help others. Current students are located in Maryland USA, Michigan USA, France, Indonesia, Germany, Switzerland, North Carolina, Canada, Perth Australia, Western Australia, Melbourne, Tokyo.

​My sessions proved beneficial with following cases for adults and children: Stress reduction, weekly stress release, improvement of health,  after vaccination care for children, coping with trauma or difficult situations, support during times of dis-ease,   eating disorders (Anorexia Nervosa), Special Needs Children (Autism, Asperger etc.), recovery from illness, coping with change and stress, emotional difficulties, traumas, phobias, anxieties, overburdening syndrome, developmental disabilities, behavioral difficulties and much more.
​The sessions support the harmonious interconnection between body-soul and spirit that in turn leads to joyful and more healthy and purposeful lives and also increased health on the physical and emotional level. Our sessions and trainings open up the channels to the messages of our Higher Self (Intuitive perception) again and influence all layers of the aura and thereby have a positive effect on any psycho-emotional and physical dis-ease.

Over the years after having made extensive experiences as a registered and accredited Psychotherapist and licensed trainer in a variety of other energy healing modalities, I have developed an extensive Training in Healing Magnetism with Hands, which also received international approval and our Practitioners and Advanced Practitioners can obtain reduced cost insurance via the IICT. We offer also an introductory level for people who wish to only use Healing Magnetism in a private setting. 

My story

Edeltraud Graces background story: 
​Since a little kid of 7 I knew I wanted to work in the field of energetic/auric healing, because I always perceived this level as a reality. At that time I did not know or use the term energetic healing, I just knew that light and the absorption of light energy is of vital importance for all our levels as a human being, the body/physical level which we perceive with our physical eyes and the finer levels which we perceive with our finer/inner eyes. Where darkness was in the human energy field (something that I could sense and perceive already at an early age in peoples energy field) light energy would be able to heal it and I also observed that it could positively influence the person's physical body too and that many diseases were a direct result of the distortions in the finer fields. So the state of the human energy field influences physical health, emotional and naturally also spiritual health. But it is naturally also the other way round. The state of the physical influences also have an effect on the finer levels. These two levels are ONE and effect each other. To absorb these perceptions from my environment about people's energy fields but also my own energy field and being,  I often perceived as burdening and confusing when I was young, and no one seemed to be able to explain these things to me. The answers of the priests from the church that my family attended left me empty handed. I started to read a lot and my searching drove me eventually to the place where I would come across the explanations of the World and our existence. I was just 20 years old when I came across "The Grail Message" that changed my life in profound ways. The explanations I was looking for, I found clearly and logically presented, a new world opened to me.
Now I use, what I perceived then as a burden, as a strength with the work with my clients and I am glad that my feedbacks help them to see themselves more clearly, which again then influences their own life choices and states and decisions they make.

My accredited and professional trainings with many teachers from different backgrounds and knowledge levels later on, taught me a variety of viewpoints and practical skills that I further developed through personal experiences and also continue to develop into the future. There is never any standstill and there is always more to grasp, to try and to learn about the human energy system.
​A key experience in regards to energy healing came for me when a student of mine (I am and was a trainer for several meridian system modalities) dreamt that I could help his 15 year old daughter recover from life threatening Anorexia. When she already showed signs of recovery after the first session where I conducted a therapeutic magnetism with hands treatment on her and she then fully recovered after just 3 half hour sessions, I was intrigued to develop myself further in this regard. More and more people approached me for healing magnetism and from practitioner I became a trainer for therapeutic magnetism in quite a short time and to my utter surprise also received the international acclaimed Biomagnetic Healing with Hands Awards for my special achievements in the frame of Healing Magnetism in 2014. 

Society seems to slowly re-awaken to the fact that orthodox methods do not have all the answers. Humanity as a whole has a lot to catch up in this regard with our overvaluing of physical, material reality for so long and a disregarding of the finer levels of a human being. Whereas ancient cultures included the knowledge about the finer fields of spirit with the physical body, their connection to the life power, knowledge about radiation of everything, the knowledge about the Astral body with the Meridian system, the knowledge about nature beings, healing herbs, healing with colour vibration and light etc. into their medicine and healing crafts as a natural thing, this seems to be almost lost in the majority of medical or psychological mainstream approaches nowadays  and thereby also means underdevelopment of our true human nature. Humans in a physical body also means finer levels, which are in fact the driving, deciding and more powerful levels and should lead the physical, material realities as human being means in clear text that we are spirit in our core -  and have a physical body. Naturally are  also many areas of modern medicine or psychology important and also of value for the human body and mind on the material level and should not be disregarded but used. On this earth body/soul and spirit all should work together in harmony. But one-sidedness is never leading to a true healing outcome.
​In regards to the area of the finer human energy fields I found over the years that there are proven and reliable systems that work all the time and benefit people on that holistic body, soul and spirit level and these reliable approaches are what I use with my clients. The positive feedback of the benefit for my clients and students encourages me and it tells me that my work is of benefit for them. As there are reliable laws in nature so we also can reliably know that certain ways of energetic healing effect first the finer level which is directly connected to the physical level and leads to improvement of health and wellbeing for a person in a practical, long term and experienced sense. Science is already able to  prove many effects of energetic healing with scientific means.

Although I do have a variety of accreditations my main focus and greatest strength lies in Healing Magnetism which I then combine with other proven beneficial and accredited methods always in feedback and interchange with my clients.

​Please get in touch with me now to book your face to face or distance healing session or trainings, or just have a chat with me. 0416 786 096


The Where & When of my Studies, Trainers & Organisations: 

03.08.2003     NLP Practitioner Certificate -  Akademie des Wissens - Germany
26. 09.2004  Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming  Roger Deaner and Barbara Wait  LeaderVision
05.12.2004     Influential Leadership  - LeaderVision Pty Ltd  - Trainer: Roger Deaner
12.12. 2004  Practitioner of  Neuro-linguistic Programming  -   LeaderVision Pty Ltd  -   Trainer Roger Deaner - NLP Trainer Assessor & Director -THE NLPTRB
25.02. 2005   Diploma in Life Coaching  Dip LC (Inst LC)   The Life Coaching Institute, Lynn Hall
31. 03. 2005  Course in Practitioner of Neuro-linguistic Programming  21095 VIC    Jules Collingwood  No: 1136    Inspiritive
01.7.2005        Time Line Therapy ™ Practitioner Certification  Tad James, Time Line Therapy Association
18.12.2005    Diploma in Flower Essences  BSYG(F.Ess) BSY Group Ann Wiliam
20.02.2007    Professional Presenting  Organisational Development Group   Roger Deaner
26.08. 2007   Emotional Freedom Techniques Advanced Workshop Maggie Adkins, EFT Master
09.07.2007      Franklian Psychology: Introduction to Logotherapy Ann V. Graber   Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy
07.11 2007     Franklian Psychology: Attitudinal Change Viktor Frankl Institute  Ann Graber
17.09 2009   EFT Academic Certification Foundational Level, Gary Graig, Founder of EFT
12. 02. 2010 EFT Academic Certification Intermediate Level, Gary Graig, Founder of EFT
17.02.2010   Diploma of Professional Couselling, Registration Number: FM7178  Certificate Number 3335  The Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors Pty Ltd
08.12.2010     Child Development and Effective Parenting Advanced Study Major Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors
11.01.2011   Relationship Counselling and Conflict Resolution, Advanced Study Major   The Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors
30.04.2011   Matrix Evolution  Akademie des Wisses Monika und Andreas Pott
08.06.2011     Expert Practitioner-2, EFT Universe Dawson Church, EFT Universe
12.07.2011   Certificate of Membership ACEP Association for comprehensive Energy Psychology
31.01.2012   EFT Master Practitioner Association for Meridian and Energy Therapies
1.02.2012     Trainer of Meridian& Energy Therapies, AMT
27.03.2012   Practitioner of EmoTrance Sandra Hillawi  Association of Meridian and Energy Therapies
9.05. 2013    Advanced Practitioner of EmoTrance  Sandra Hillawi  AMT
9.09.2013     Positive EFT Practitioner Sandra Hillawi  AMT
7.10.2013     Apply First Aid (HLTFA311A) Carol Campbell Nepeanindustryedgetraining
24.10.2013  Therapeutic BioMagnetic Healing Practitioner and Trainer    Evi-Rosa Pfister 
Edeltraud received the international acclaimed Healing Magnetism Award in 2014 for her outstanding achievements in the area of Healing Magnetism.
​Edeltraud Grace also achieved that "Biomagnetic Healing with Hands" is now an international approved modality and insurance for new Practitioners can be obtained via the IICT.
​Edeltraud leads the only accredited Training Institute for Biomagnetic Healing with Hands in Australia and offers accredited Practitioner trainings and workshops for parents, carers and for self-help.

​Edeltraud is also the author of a series of books: "The Manual for more Joy in Life" which she initially put together for her own clients and now offers free of charge to the public . The five books are beneficial in self-help.


Edeltraud Grace is the Founder,  training course author, Master Practitioner and Director of the Institute of Biomagnetic Healing with Hands (Platinum Life time Membership IICT as approved Training provider).

She is the developer and author of the advanced Biomagnetic Healing with Hands - Healing Magnetism and Energy Healing Training.. This course comprises of 9 Units that are completed via distance learning plus 4 hours of face to face or Skype training for the approved Practitioner Certificate and an additional for 4 hours  for the advanced Practitioner level.. 

​Biomagnetic Healing requires serious and committed people, who seek to work from a position of subject matter knowledge, human understanding, solid & thorough practices, the meaning and purpose of human existence and the laws that govern this existence. To do this we will naturally desire to work with clearly defined concepts, definitions and language. Confusion, contradiction & ill-defined terms cannot benefit those people we wish to assist and who will depend on us, nor ourselves. 

In our training we offer you subject matter knowledge, human understanding, we will deal with the meaning and purpose of human existence and the laws that govern this existence. We will work with clearly defined concepts, definitions and language.

Edeltraud Grace: The intensive Biomagnetic Healing training is targeted to students who wish to understand the subject matter way beyond ill defined and vague terms, but are committed to delve into the understandings of Healing Magnetism with the willingness to make personal experiences while at the same time dealing with clearly defined concepts, terms and definitions that also find additional scientific validations. This will enable each serious student to not only help himself in the process but then also apply Healing Magnetism in a responsible and safe manner to his/her clients. 

"To give Healing Magnetism treatments is one of the most joyous experiences that are available to human beings. "



"The content of this training far exceeds the title. The training is well laid out and builds one onto the other. I am happy you decided to write this training, which will be well received by those who share your passion in applying the knowledge of Bio Magnetic Healing as seen from the view point of Laws of Creation . "R. D. 

"Thank you so much Edeltraud. The session was amazing and your feedback is hundred percent correct. I already started with the additional exercise you gave" Helen Sali 

"Such a positive healing, such kinds words. thank you!
At this moment, I feel balanced and happy. "Anton M.


Nationally Accredited Counsellor/
​Psychotherapist  (AICP)

Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors

Advanced  Study Majors in
-Relationship and Conflict Resolution
- Child Development and Effective Parenting

Energy Methods

Therapeutic Magnetism.
Ordering Therapy  (Magnetic Healing). 
Only authorised trainer in Australia,
Seminar Conductor, Practitioner.
Licensed Trainer of Meridian & Energy Therapies
(AMT Association for Meridian and Energy Therapies)

EFT Master Practitioner
EFT Master Trainer

EFT Academic Certification Foundational Level
​(Gary Graig, Founder of EFT)

EFT Academic Certification Intermediate Level
(Gary Graig, Founder of EFT)

-This was the highest level ever offered by Gary Graig to the public. Edeltraud is the only person in Australia who completed Cert 2 with Gary Graig

(EFT Universe)

-AAMET approved Level1 and Level2 
​(Maggie Adkins, EFT founding Master)

-Practitioner and advanced --Practitioner of EmoTrance 
(Emotional Transformation) --AMT EmoTrance Trainer

-(Registered with the NLP Trainers Registration Body, Mationally approved 20-day course)
-Training by Leadervision

-Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
(Nationally Approved Training, Inspiritive -160 hours)

-NLP Practitioner
(18 days Germany, Akademie des Wissens)

Additional training in:
-Core Transformation 
-Clean Language 
-Spiral Dynamics 
-Public Presenting          -Influential Leadership
(20 days)

- Life Coaching
- Professional Diploma in Life Coaching 
(Life Coaching Institute LCI)

- Logotherapy Certificate 1 and 2 in Franklian Psychology
(Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy),

​- Level 3 studies
Quantum Healing Matrix Evolution  
Accredited Certificate 1,2 and 3 Germany
(Akademie des Wissens)

- Quantum Consciousness Transformation              - Level 1,2,3 (Andrew Blake Training, according to Dr. Kinslow and Dr Bartlett)

- Bachflower Remedies Diploma in Flower Essences (Bach Flowers)
- Member of AIPC - Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors

- Member AMT

- Professional Member of the Life Coaching Institute MLCI

- Member of the Australasian NLP Association AANLPA

- Graduate Member of the BSY Group (Life Coaching)
- BSY Group Member


Hi Edel
How are you. Just want to let you know today Felicia just started school n told me while sharing story in the group /class she didn't feel nervous as usual. It's definitely showing improvement & I am impressed as she has never told me about it b4. Thanks for your help and support.
​Nony Then

​(Mother who attended a Biomagnetic Healing seminar to help her autistic daughter who showed a lot of anxiety symptoms. Social anxiety, self-harm, panic attacks. Since treating her daughter with BMH her condition improved tremendously. She also uses Bach Flower Remedies for her daughter additionally.)

​“The Physician should look for the force and nature of illness at its source. He is not to look to that which can be seen, for we are not called to extinguish the smoke but the fire itself.”
(Theophrastus Paracelsus, M.D. Switzerland - 1493-1541)

Werner Heisenberg, a famous physicist stated: “Magnetic energy is the elementary energy that the entire life of the organism depends on.”

-The human being requires the free flow of Bio-Magnetic energies in a similar manner to the requirement for healthy blood to flow to all parts and extremities of the body

-Healing Magnetism with Hands and Energy Healing is a natural method capable of neutralizing localized or “whole of body” disturbances in the bio-magnetic field of a person, removing “blockages” to the natural flows of the bio-magnetic energies and thus removing the resulting degradation of bio-electrical impulse transmissions or flows between the brain, the affected body functions and back again to the brain.

We should here also acknowledge that the emotional effects of minor, moderate or major disturbances (“trauma”) to our body functions or inversely to our personal self, will cause reciprocal emotional trauma or effects, which can very often remain long after the original physical trauma has been negated or removed. Inversely, emotional trauma will often also result in disturbances to our bio-electrical flows, and thus also our bio-magnetic fields.

​Human magnetism is the projection of vital force from a being in a state of surplus to one in depletion. Magnetic treatment also disperses tainted bodily forces in the human aura while supplying fresh vitality to the sick and injured.  Dr Franz Anton Mesmer

Already Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German poet, 1749-1832) mentioned:
„Magnetism is a universally effective force: Every human exhibits it, only slightly different due to his or her individuality, its effects extend to everything and in every case. The magnetic force of the human being reaches from every human over every animal and every single plant. Yes, humans do not know who they are, what they possess and what they are capable of. This is why they are so calamitous, so powerless and awkward.“

"The information transfer happens in the magnetic field! Disorder in the magnetic field leads to dis-ease, order in the magnetic field leads to health. 
A direct chemical reaction of one substance with another can not happen without field communication!" Dr  Fritz Albert Popp

Dear Edeltraud, Words can not express how grateful I am to you for helping me through such a tough time the other week. The support and guidance that you gave me was amazing and I felt so much calmer and positive when we'd had our session (and better physically). You've helped me to overcome a lot of demons and have given me the courage and inspiration to move forward. Its hard to find people with as much empathy as you Edeltraud and that's what makes you so incredible at what you do. Thank you for teaching me ways in which to deal with stressful situations in life and most importantly, thank you for understanding me. Warmest Regards Bettina"
​Bettina (Therapeutic Magnetism and Counselling)

The application of Healing Magnetism is an ancient knowledge that was applied in all cultures. Over time such type of healings slowly was forgotten, whereas nowadays the healing with magnetism gains more and more significance again.

"Healing by magnetism is taking a leading role in the further development of the human race." Abd-ru-shin, author "IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH - THE GRAIL MESSAGE" (Vol. 2 / Lecture 58)

A Healing Magnetism with Hands Practitioner (Magnetopath), can support other human beings in their recovery from a variety of  illnesses (physical or emotional) through the so-called magnetism of their bodies or through the transmission of similar currents from the Ethereal World, the beyond!

Healing Magnetism is a serious form of Healing Art and demands therefore also serious people who will with dedication and the desire to truly help humanity occupy themselves with that subject. The ability to absorb Healing Energy is very different between people and there are truly gifted Practitioners and there are less gifted human beings. The absorption of strong Healing Power cannot be taught as this is a Gift given to the individual from Above. In our accredited Training we teach the Laws of the Energy field in great details. To understand how we human beings are connected to the wider Cosmos and how we can support others can be helpful in many a profession. Be it as a Counsellor, Massage Therapist, Psychologist, medical Doctor, naturopath and so on. The Training will help to build a bridge to a reuniting of Body, Soul and Spirit in the areas of emotional and physical healing, something that unfortunately got widely lost in our modern day times. 


Areas of application: Healing Magnetism as such influences every illness and dis-ease positively.
Summarized can be but said, that the following complaints and discomforts can be relieved.


  • - Psychological challenges

  • - Challenges of the soul

  • - Coping with stress symptoms

  • - Anxiety and Fear

  • - Supportive in depression

  • - Supportive in cases of shizophrenia

  • - Supportive modality during times of physical illness also serious dis-ease

  • - Trauma & Stress

  • ​- A weakened immune system

  • - Disturbances of the vegetative sensory system

  • - General condition of weariness

  • - Burn-out  disorder

  • - Concentration issue, absence of drive

  • - Symptoms without clear reason

  • - Digestion issues, joint agonies

  • - Headaches

  • - Difficulties in youngsters- Developmental scatters

  • - Autism

  • - Eating issue

  • - Developmental Disabilities

  • ​- Overburdening disorders- ceaseless exhaustion

  • - Harmonization of vitality field after Immunization

  • - Preventative well-being and vitality care

Healing Magnetism Treatments are also beneficial during times of change

  • - A man/woman is standing at the beginning of a new phase in their life

  • - One wants to master an emotional crisis or achieve a conclusion

  • - A person wishes to grow into a new direction

  • - A separation wants to be emotionally finalized

  • -  Time is needed to grieve, to say good-bye.

  • - Someone wants to trust themselves more

  • - A person is standing in front of a major decision and the s/he does not know yet which path to take

  • - Someone wants to cut ties with the past. (E.G. a child moves out of the parental home)

  • - A person searches for their inner calling, right profession. 

Healing Magnetism affects body-soul and spirit. 

Professional Counselling/Coaching can relieve:


-PTSD (Trauma relieve)

-Inner Conflicts


-Lack of Clarity and Purpose


-Ill health

-Mental overburdening


-Low Self-esteem
We combine accredited Counselling methods with validated Energy Healing Methods
Book a short free initial session today

Your Practitioner is an ACA (Australian Counselling Association) approved Diploma Counsellor/Psychotherapist, accredited NLP Master, accredited Diploma Life Coach, accredited Diploma Flower Essences Practitioner, international accredited Healing with Hands Master Practitioner and Trainer, accredited EFT Master (Emotional Freedom Technique), accredited Logotherapist, accredited Advanced Practitioner in Emotional Transformation Technique

Hello Edeltraud, how are you?

I am feeling much better, I've been crashing a bit in the evenings but overall feeling very positive and much lighter. Thank you for all your time and healing. You have been amazing and I'm incredibly grateful. 

I received the Bach flower remedies yesterday. Thank you so much! How amazing that flowers have all these beautiful healing powers.  (Sonia Wilkinson. Skype Counselling Session. Panic attacks, anxiety. Cairns Australia. July 2019)

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9:00 am – 7:00 pm


9:00 am – 9:00 pm

Why does Healing Magnetism and Energy Methods fit so well to Psychotherapy or Coaching?

Everyone does one of two things with difficult emotional experiences.

They either store them, or they process them.

When they are stored they stay with you. When they have processed the difficulty associated with them goes forever.

The thing is all unresolved emotional experiences cause difficulties.

Some are minor, and some are not. The obvious ones are sadness and depression. Grief stored away and not processed results in feelings of sadness.

What people then do they distract themselves by taking alcohol or coffee or other drugs. Of course this does reduce the sadness for a while. (Distractions like newspaper, Facebook, television, online games..). But it does not solve the problem. Grief needs to be processed otherwise sadness stays.

Panic attacks are often caused, but not exclusively, by an unresolved life threatening experience. Compulsions and phobias are other expressions of unresolved emotional experiences. Compulsions force you down a particular path that you know will allow you to avoid the emotional difficulty. In the case of phobia you avoid the path that will lead you to problem. All of these problems, the sadness, the grief, the traumas, the depression, the compulsions and the phobias are easily sorted out using BioMagnetic Healing with Hands (according to Virtuosity).

So why do people try to store or suppress their difficult emotional experiences rather than processing them?

There are many reasons perhaps the main reason is that they believe it is too painful to process. Other reasons are that expression of emotion in that particular time may not be appropriate, or they don’t want to appear vulnerable or something more important they believe may be happening.

The basis of BioMagnetic Healing with Hands in the way we are teaching in our accredited Training is that we can feel through our hands when a client is dealing with their difficult emotional experience and when they are avoiding it. So we can keep them on track so that it can be processed completely.

This means that we can help the client process any emotional difficulty without talking about it. Additionally a BioMagnetic Healing with Hands practitioner can locate wherein a person's body a specific emotion is stored, which emotion is important to clear first and they can also test if the person has cleared the emotion completely. A BioMagnetic Healing Practitioner is capable to help with specific hand movements and hand placements above or near the clients body to support the client to release the difficult emotions. 

A lot of people are reluctant to discuss all of their issues. With BioMagnetic Healing issues can be treated without the need for the client to word them, nevertheless should a client still wish to express what they feel, they can naturally. Nevertheless a lot of people when they visit a Counsellor/Coach or NLP Practitioner or any other Mental health practitioner are all about the chat. But often people with all this chat and talking, people do not say what really is going on.

The unique thing about integrating BioMagnetic Healing with Hands in typical Counselling/Coaching or NLP sessions (or EFT sessions) is that we have found a way of processing difficult emotional experiences without talking about it and we are able to help the client to process and release much quicker than without it. A BioMagnetic Healing Practitioner is also capable to know which difficult emotions should be released first. 

Therefore integrating BioMagnetic Healing in sessions where people wish to address difficult emotions the success rate is much higher, the session frequency shorter and more thorough than using traditional cognitive-based methods all on their own. BioMagnetic Healing with Hands offers every mental health professional an additional method with which they can communicate with the client's true emotional situation in a non verbal way. A situation that is very often avoided and cannot be addressed with traditional methods and then Practitioners are surprised why their clients are getting worse instead of getting better. The BioMagnetic Healing practitioner supports the client to process the emotions and then the difficult emotions do not have any more ill effect on the client. Therefore we invite Counselors/Psychologists, Mental health professionals, NLP Practitioners, EFT Practitioners to come to our training. 
We have found that unresolved emotional difficulties lie at the heart of many health issues. As we have said, the obvious ones are sadness and depression but many other illnesses disappear when underlying emotional difficulties are resolved. Headaches, panic attacks, anxiety, sleeplessness, eating disorders, developmental disturbances, concentration difficulties are just some examples of it. 

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